

Foto: Lasse Lagoni

ORA er deltager i det europæiske talentudvekslingsnetværk EXCITE (Exchange of international talent in Europe), som ORA også er initiativtager til.

Hvert år sendes bands på kryds og tværs mellem deltagerlandene for at få tour-erfaring og øget netværk.
Der er løbende blevet produceret en række videoer med rådgivning til musikere, der gerne vil videre med deres karriere. I videoerne kan du bl.a. møde Europæiske branchefolk der deler ud af deres indsigt i branchen samt do’s and don’ts.

Læs meget mere om EXCITE-projektet på deres hjemmeside og Facebook-side


Excite is a highly-collaborative project between nine partner organisations based across Europe (BE, DE, DK, FI, LU, NO, NL, SE, UK). This innovative network leverages a dynamic mechanism to expedite the internationalisation of young artists and music businesses earlier in there careers/ development.

The delivery model is built around a core of ten partner festivals in their respective markets, with a further 4 associated festivals and conferences in territories including ES, PL, PT and SI. Portugal, Slovenia – plus a curated stage at Reeperbahn in Hamburg, DE.

Across the delivery timeline, Excite will also produce dedicated song camps with internationally respected writers/producers to accelerate artistic development and encourage deeper peer-to-peer collaborations. The delivery model will also integrate specialist industry advise from key infrastructure elements such as managers, labels, publishers, booking agencies, sync agencies and promoters.

Initially established in 2009 with a core base of three partners, the project has since developed into a coherent network of extended member organisations, associated festival and wider industry partners. This additional investment will facilitate the project to integrate a broader range of high-level opportunities and collaborative activity into the delivery model and significantly increase the value for participants.

The network will offer participants access to:

  • credible career opportunities to tour internationally and transnationally;
  • peer-to-peer learning and development of professional skills with industry experts;
  • brokering networking possibilities and facilitating industry connections;
  • accessing new markets earlier and reaching and engaging wider audiences;
  • expediting the development of young artist and music businesses
  • leveraging access to high-level international music industry contacts

Excite is funded by each partner organisation and Creative Europe. This appreciated support will help Excite develop and diversify the project. The activities that will gain support will run from 20th of November 2017 until 19th of November 2019.


There are no upcoming events at this time.


Læs den spritnye udgave af Mer’ Monitor! 48

Læs den spritnye udgave af Mer’ Monitor! 48

Musikerbladet Mer’ Monitor er på gaden med nye spændende artikler.

Du kan bl.a. læse om hvad et imposter syndrom går ud på – noget som i værste fald kan stoppe en musikers karriere.
Læs desuden hvor essentielle kernefrivillige er på festivaler såsom UHØRT.

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